(or re-writing your own Personal Myth)

The Pleiadians consider dreaming an art, day-dreaming as well as night-dreaming. They say that physical reality is but a dream, that we dream our lives first on the mental plane and then see it mirrored back to us on this one. All of the inventions ever created were first dreamt in the mind of the inventor and then manifested on this plane. Nicola Tesla experienced full blown working models in his mind before starting to create them in physicality.

Imagine you are an artist. When you were born, your life was like a blank canvas. You received your astrological blueprint when you dropped in here (your personal focus that you filter your experiences through) but limited detail. You were taught what to paint on your canvas by your parents, teachers, clergy and society in general not to mention having jumped into the collective consciousness of this planet. Now that you are grown-up and in control of your mind (hopefully), these old definitions may no longer be serving you or the collective to which you belong.

Feel like it's time for a new dream? Write a new script. The Pleiadians consider the imagination, the tool of dreaming, to be the seat of creativity. People get into trouble when they fight their natural Self and try to install somebody else's version of reality as their own. When we are little, no one usually asks us how we would dream our life to be. We adopt the old paradigms of "that's just the way it is", try to "make the best of it" and "fit in". This is why we are considered the Masters of Limitation by our galactic family. And they don't mean this as a put down. They truly consider us masters in our field and if they ever wanted to know about limiting points of view, they'd ask an earthling.

Our brothers and sisters of the stars are excited about co-creating great dreams with us and sharing their experiences. And, after all, we called them or they wouldn't be here!

We have been living a dream of "forgetfulness" which is an agreed upon collective focus but the time of awakening is NOW. We do have a choice. There are definite mechanics to the operation of the Universe. Many times when we start to envision another world, old belief systems surface showing us all the reasons "why not". A gift from the subconscious!

Whenever you are presented with a version of reality, it is always healthy to take it into your resonance field - heart chakra - feeling center and try it on. If it makes you feel yucky, reject it. If it adds joy to your life, keep it if you like. All reality definitions are valid; dreams from the eternal library of All That Is.

(Dream - pre-1200 CE, from the Old English Dremen - rejoice; play music; celebrate Life; be creative.)